Mental Health First Aid is an evidence-based training consisting of teaching people to recognize the signs and symptoms of a developing mental health or substance use challenge. Isaac Sandidge is an experienced instructor, having trained over 3000 people in the skill. He brings excitement, fun, and extensive clinical experience to the training. Book your training today.
Awarded at Top Mental Health First Aid Instructor in the nation in 2021.
Meet Isaac Sandidge. Isaac has been working in the behavioral health field for 13 years and has a passion for helping people achieve recovery goals. Isaac Sandidge graduated from Eastern Illinois University with an MA in Gerontology. Isaac organized, implemented and conducted New Employee Orientation for all staff within the community behavioral health organizations on topics such as Motivational Interviewing, Recovery Oriented Services, Personal Growth, Life Safety, Corporate Compliance, Trauma-Informed Care and Compassion Fatigue, Enhancing Consumer Engagement, ASAM, Golden Thread, IL Rule 132, DLA-20, PHQ9, and Mental Health First Aid. He is currently an instructor in Adult and Youth Mental Health First Aid with certification in Public Safety, Higher Education, and Older Adult modules of the program. Sandidge is also an instructor for CALM (Counseling on Reducing Access to Lethal Means, and Conversations on Reducing Access to Lethal Means).
If you would like to contact Isaac about setting up a MHFA training for you or your organization or would like to learn more about the program, feel free to email, call, or send a social media message.
"Isaac is very articulate and knowledgable about mental health. He made the 4 hour classes interesting and informative. I would recommend the class to anyone who has the opportunity to attend."